Saturday, August 6, 2011

Running in the rain...

The other night Taresa comes in to the room and says she is going on a run. I begrudgingly say well I need to go for a walk. Taresa decides to hang up her running shoes for the night and come walking with me. Before we go I see that it is a little bit cloudy out and ask "is it raining outside?" Of course Taresa replied with a "Oh no." So off we went. It was a beautiful night and as we reached the top of the first hill I saw lightning off in the distance and a slow drizzle began. We concluded that it felt nice and their was no need to turn around. As we started down the hill the light sprinkle turned into bigger drops. But still nothing to worry about. Before we both knew it, the skies opened and rained down there furry upon us. For the first time in a long time I did something completely out of character. I ran, I ran like I had never run before; in the rain that is. As we rounded the bend and headed down the road a car pulled up beside me as Taresa was a little ways ahead and a young gentlemen asked if I needed a ride. At this point I new I wasn't to far off from home and politely declined. I was flattered that chivalry wasn't dead but I had to make sure that I stuck to my feminine roots. I knew I wasn't sugar therefor I wasn't going to melt. I made it to the hill that lies right before our house. It is a killer I did my best to run up it but at that point I was already drenched so I walked some of it as well. By the time I got home it felt as though I had just jumped into a pool fully clothed. Taresa said it was a run I would never forget, and so that is why we took pictures and I am documenting it to ensure that I never forget. It looks like rain tonight, maybe I will risk it one more time.
Nothing like running in the rain. To bad I was so out of breath I could have been singing in the rain as well.
Proud I made it back alive. I didn't even slip, trip or fall. GLORIOUS!

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