Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm Back!

Well I have taken a long break from the blogging scene. I just got lazy would be the best way to say it. Well I spent my holidays in not so sunny California. (Pics soon to come). It was so great being with family, friends and civilization AKA shopping malls and resturaunts with GOOD food. Being in California was a lot of fun, but I was glad to return home to Idaho. Those are words I never thought I would say.
    So the new year is now upon us. I am really looking forward to this coming year. I am not sure what is in store for me but I am excited to watch it all unfold. I typically don't make new years resolutions but this year I decided to do so. My news years resolution is to live life boldly. Take chances, dare to do things I have never done before. I want to accompish things that I or others have said I wouldn't be able to do. This is going to be the year of I CAN. For so much of my life I have let outside influences tell me how my life should be run. This is going to be the year that I take my life back, and really start to live it. It has only been 5 days into the new year, but I have already made positive changes that is helping me to live boldly.