Thursday, October 21, 2010

I passed!!

I woke up this morning to find my last paper for a class had finally been graded and it had PASSED. I passed the class. Such exciting news. I would be celebrating but I have one more BIG test on Saturday before the term is over for me. With having passed two classes in the past two days it has really given me the confidence I feel to past this last class.
Well I have continued by dillegence in working out everyday. This makes 4 days in a row for this week. I almost have 2 weeks of straight excercising under my belt (weekends aside). Eating healthy is coming along. I try to cook with healthier food and always make sure to have a vegtable on my plate.
We hear it all the time that our Nation is overweight. Well living here in a small town I can see exactly why our nation is overweight. Yes there may not be any fast food resturants to drive through and all the restuarnts close at 6pm but it is not what we are eating out, it's what we are making at home. I found a great low fat low cal reciepe for Naviho tacos. They looked delicious. The reciepe called for low-fat biscuits. I could not find them anywhere at the store. I also decided to get some lowfat icecream. Once again no such thing. With the cold weather slowly moving in I thought it would be a great idea to get some no sugar hot choclate. (it's lower in calories) no such luck. They do have skim milk though and  it is constantly on clearance because I think Taresa and I are most likely the only ones that buy it. Fat-free, low-fat foods just don't exist here. It made me realize how truly fortunante I was to live in California where I had so much of that available to me. Yet I still would not trade here for there fatty foods and all! It just means I get to get a little bit more creative or eat a lot less.

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